Helle und hochwertige Indoor-MicroLED-Lösung mit hoher Effizienz, hoher Bandbreite und flexibler Controller-Auswahl

Die Planar® DirectLight® Pro Series MicroLED-Videowände mit feinem Pixel Pitch liefern brillante Bilder für eine Vielzahl von fest installierten Anwendungen im Innenbereich. Mit Pixelabständen von 0,9 bis 1,8 Millimetern bietet die in Europa hergestellte Planar DirectLight Pro-Serie alle Vorteile der MicroLED-Technologie sowie frontseitige Wartungsmöglichkeiten und eine hohe Bandbreite, wodurch die Installation vereinfacht und die Effizienz maximiert wird.

  • 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 und 1,8 mm Pixel Pitch
  • Mit MicroLED-Technologie
  • Modell mit hoher Helligkeit von 1.600 Nits und Standardleistungsaufnahme verfügbar
  • Modell mit niedriger Leistung und Standardhelligkeit von 500 Nits verfügbar
  • Kompatibel mit verschiedenen Controllern
  • Lebenslange EverCare-Garantie
  • Hergestellt in Europa



Helligkeit trifft Effizienz

Ein Modell mit hoher Helligkeit, das für maximale Leistung in Umgebungen mit viel Umgebungslicht entwickelt wurde, bietet eine konstante Helligkeit von 1.600 Nits bei einer Leistungsaufnahme von nur 135 Watt.

Energiesparoption verfügbar

Ein Low-Power-Modell bietet 500 Nits Helligkeit bei nur 68 Watt Stromverbrauch und ist damit ideal für energiebewusste Kunden oder Anwendungen bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen.

Verbessertes Design

Erleben Sie die optimale Kombination aus Form und Funktion mit den 27-Zoll- und den doppelt so hohen 36-Zoll-LED-Cabinets. Weniger Gehäuse bedeuten schnellere Installation, einfachere Wartung und ein nahtloses Videowand-Erlebnis mit minimalen sichtbaren Rändern.

Hohe Bandbreite

Mit einer fünffach höheren Bandbreite als vergleichbare Lösungen reduzieren die Displays die Gesamtbetriebskosten, da weniger Cabinets, Kabel und interne Komponenten wie Empfänger und Netzteile benötigt werden.

Um die Ecke biegen

Die Display-Module und Cabinets der DirectLight Pro Serie verfügen über 45° abgeschrägte Kanten, so dass Videowände für einzigartige Installationen um 90° gedreht werden können und die Displays für kreativere Anwendungen eingesetzt werden können.

Flexible Steuerung

Der Planar® WallDirector™ Video Controller bietet eine robuste Standardlösung, während die Kompatibilität mit Brompton und Colorlight dem Kunden die Freiheit gibt, die ideale Lösung für die individuellen Anforderungen seiner Anwendung zu wählen.

Lebenslanger Schutz

Für die Planar DirectLight Pro Serie gilt die EverCare™ Lifetime Limited Warranty, die das gesamte Display vom Subpixel bis zum Videocontroller abdeckt, solange es an einem festen Standort eingesetzt wird.

Made in Europe

Dank unserer hochmodernen Produktionsstätte im Herzen Europas kann Leyard Europe stabile Preise, kurze Lieferzeiten von nur wenigen Wochen und hohe Qualitätsstandards garantieren.

Complete™ Lösungen

Standardisierte oder maßgeschneiderte Videowände

Die Planar DirectLight Pro Serie ist in praktischen Formaten und Auflösungen erhältlich, um den Zeitaufwand, die Komplexität und die Kosten für das Design und die Installation einer kundenspezifischen LED-Videowand zu reduzieren. Wir haben alles, was eine Organisation benötigt, in einer Komplettlösung zusammengefasst. Wählen Sie einfach die Größe und Auflösung der Videowand, die am besten zu Ihrer Umgebung und Anwendung passt, und Sie erhalten das komplette Paket, einschließlich des leistungsstarken Planar WallDirector Video-Controllers.


  • LED Display Cabinets
  • Wandhalterungen
  • Ersatzmodule
  • Video Controller
  • Trims
  • Remote Control
  • Kabel

Verfügbare Größen:

109" | 137" | 164" | 198" | 219"

Add-Ons & Zubehör

Planar WallDirector Cloud

Überwachen und warten Sie Ihre Display-Flotte aus der Ferne mit Planar® WallDirector™ Cloud, einem sicheren, webbasierten Dashboard für Diagnose, Steuerung, Fehlerbehebung, Zustandsüberwachung und Support-Tickets.

Energiesparender Standby-Modus

Wenn der Planar® Smart Power Switch nicht verwendet wird, schaltet er die Videowand in einen 1-Watt-Energiesparmodus. Der schlanke, LAN-verbundene Power Switch passt hinter die ADA-konforme Videowand und ist mit demselben Netzwerk verbunden.

Erhöhte Widerstandsfähigkeit

Die proprietäre Schutzbeschichtung Planar® ERO-LED™ (Extended Ruggedness and Optics™) sorgt für Langlebigkeit in stark frequentierten und interaktiven Umgebungen. Sie bietet eine matte Oberfläche, die die visuelle Leistung der Videowand erhält.


Optimieren Sie Videowände für Interaktivität mit einem kundenspezifischen 32-Punkt-Touchsystem und Planar ERO LED. Touchscreens sind oft auf ein 16:9 Format beschränkt, aber die kundenspezifische Touchlösung öffnet die Tür zu einer größeren Vielfalt an Größen und Formen.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Cabinet Auflösung (BxH) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Pixeldichte (Pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Helligkeit, max. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Farbtemperatur (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Betrachtungswinkel, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Betrachtungswinkel, vertikal (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Cabinet Maße (BxHxT) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Modul-Zusammensetzung (BxH) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Modul-Auflösung (BxH) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Modul-Größe (mm) (BxHxT) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Lebensdauer (h) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA konform Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Leistungsaufnahme, max. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Leistungsaufnahme, typ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Betriebstemperatur (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Feuchtigkeit im Betrieb (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Lagertemperatur (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Luftfeuchtigkeit bei Lagerung (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
LED Typ Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Kontrast 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Gleichmäßigkeit Helligkeit ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Servicezugang Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Garantie EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Planar DirectLight Pro Series


  • 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 und 1,8 mm Pixel Pitch
  • Mit MicroLED-Technologie
  • Modell mit hoher Helligkeit von 1.600 Nits und Standardleistungsaufnahme verfügbar
  • Modell mit niedriger Leistung und Standardhelligkeit von 500 Nits verfügbar
  • Kompatibel mit verschiedenen Controllern
  • Lebenslange EverCare-Garantie
  • Hergestellt in Europa


Helle und hochwertige Indoor-MicroLED-Lösung mit hoher Effizienz, hoher Bandbreite und flexibler Controller-Auswahl

Die Planar® DirectLight® Pro Series MicroLED-Videowände mit feinem Pixel Pitch liefern brillante Bilder für eine Vielzahl von fest installierten Anwendungen im Innenbereich. Mit Pixelabständen von 0,9 bis 1,8 Millimetern bietet die in Europa hergestellte Planar DirectLight Pro-Serie alle Vorteile der MicroLED-Technologie sowie frontseitige Wartungsmöglichkeiten und eine hohe Bandbreite, wodurch die Installation vereinfacht und die Effizienz maximiert wird.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Cabinet Auflösung (BxH) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Pixeldichte (Pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Helligkeit, max. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Farbtemperatur (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Betrachtungswinkel, horizontal (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Betrachtungswinkel, vertikal (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Cabinet Maße (BxHxT) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Modul-Zusammensetzung (BxH) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Modul-Auflösung (BxH) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Modul-Größe (mm) (BxHxT) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Lebensdauer (h) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ADA konform Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Leistungsaufnahme, max. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Leistungsaufnahme, typ. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Betriebstemperatur (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Feuchtigkeit im Betrieb (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Lagertemperatur (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Luftfeuchtigkeit bei Lagerung (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
LED Typ Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Kontrast 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Gleichmäßigkeit Helligkeit ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Servicezugang Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Garantie EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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