Among the first educational institutions in the world to have taken the step towards this type of technology, the Executive Education service of the HEC Lausanne (UNIL) recently inaugurated its new Horizon room, which reproduces the experience of classroom teaching.
One of the major assets of this equipment: a 6-meter wide LED wall made out of 60 Leyard TVF Series video wall displays. This LED screen with a pixel pitch of 1.8 mm makes it possible to display up to 49 participants side by side, and the possibility of simultaneously bringing together students present on site with participants from all over the world.
While the health crisis has accelerated the process, the idea of implementing an immersive teaching environment has been gaining ground for several years now in the Executive Education department at HEC Lausanne. This is mainly due to the growing demand for continuing education and as a sustainable project it is part of HEC’s internationalization strategy. Under the pressure of the pandemic situation, the project was finally implemented on the UNIL campus in less than 3 months.
To be able to realize this project in such a short time, two factors were very crucial: The fact that the best-selling TVF series video wall displays in Europe are manufactured in the production facility in Presov, Slovakia, ensured a short lead-time. The other decisive factor was the cooperation with Projection Nouvelle who is a very reliable and technologically capable project manager and integrator.
Specially designed to reproduce the dynamics and interactivity of a face-to-face mode, this room, among the first in the world in the teaching sector, offers teachers an impression of immersion in the image of a classroom or an auditorium.
Standing in front of the 10x6 TVF Series LED wide screen by Leyard Europe, speakers deliver their lessons and visualize up to 49 people at a time. The recording, which is activated as soon as the room is entered, as well as the camera tracking system, allow the teachers to concentrate exclusively on their lessons, without having to worry about the technical and audio-visual aspects. "The experience is really striking! Thanks to the display of all the participants, it is possible to reproduce aspects normally reserved exclusively for face-to-face mode, such as non-verbal communication or group dynamics", comments Prof. Olivier Gallay at HEC Lausanne.
The benefits of this experience also go to the participants, who benefit from a much more lively, natural and spontaneous online teaching, as Delphine Clavel, communication and marketing consultant, testifies. "The technological device deployed in this way has made it possible to guarantee the continuity of the training without altering the quality of the exchanges or the personalization of the interactions between teachers and students.”
In addition to the 49 online participants, there are about 20 physical places (when sanitary measures permit), which offer the possibility of hybrid teaching. "Imagine an international organization, a association or a multinational company with head offices in French-speaking Switzerland that wants to train its executives based all over the world. Thanks to this new infrastructure, it is now possible to train locally based participants face-to-face, while simultaneously bringing together executives from around the world in virtual mode. The gains in terms of sustainability and travel costs are considerable. This solution is being applied at HEC Lausanne," explains Thomas Rouaud, project owner and head of marketing for the continuing education department.
The Leyard TVF Series is a family of fine-pitch LED video wall displays with a 16:9 aspect ratio that allows each pixel pitch to precisely match popular resolutions including Full HD and 4K. With front-access serviceability and a creative stackable design, Leyard TVF Series video walls assemble like building blocks, eliminating cabinet-to-cabinet wiring and reducing installation and vertical alignment complexity. With a profile of less than 8 cm (3 inches), the Leyard TVF Series reduces the overall footprint and space required for maintenance. This makes the video walls easier to fit in more rooms compared to other LED video wall solutions.
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