Soluzione MicroLED premium per interni, luminosa, ad alta efficienza, con elevata larghezza di banda e ampia gamma di controller

I video wall Planar® DirectLight® Pro Series con pixel pitch fine offrono immagini di alta qualità per un'ampia gamma di applicazioni e installazioni fisse indoor. Con pixel pitch da 0,9 a 1,8 millimetri, la Planar DirectLight Pro Series, prodotta in Europa, offre tutti i vantaggi della tecnologia MicroLED, oltre a facilità di manutenzione frontale e elevata larghezza di banda, riducendo la complessità di implementazione e massimizzando l'efficienza.

  • Pixel Pitch da 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 e 1,8 mm
  • Con tecnologia MicroLED
  • Modelli ad alta luminosità con 1600 nit e consumo energetico standard
  • Modelli a basso consumo con luminosità standard di 500 nit
  • Compatibile con vari controller
  • Garanzia a vita EverCare
  • Prodotto in Europa



Luminosità incontra efficienza

Un modello ad alta luminosità, progettato per garantire le massime prestazioni in ambienti con elevata luce ambientale, offre una luminosità costante di 1.600 nit con soli 135 watt di potenza.

Modello attento ai consumi

Un modello a bassa potenza offre 500 nit di luminosità con un consumo energetico di soli 68 watt, il che lo rende ideale per i clienti attenti al consumo energetico o per applicazioni in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione ambientale.

Design ottimizzato

Scopri l'equilibrio ottimale tra forma e funzione con i cabinet LED da 27" e 36" a doppia altezza. Meno cabinet significa installazione più rapida, manutenzione più semplice e un'esperienza di video wall senza soluzione di continuità con giunture visibili minime.

Elevata larghezza di banda

Con una larghezza di banda 5 volte superiore rispetto alle soluzioni della concorrenza, i display riducono il costo totale di proprietà grazie al minor numero di cabinet, cavi e componenti interni come ricevitori e alimentatori.

Girare l'angolo

I moduli display e i cabinet DirectLight Pro Series hanno bordi smussati a 45°, che consentono ai video wall di avvolgersi intorno agli angoli a 90° per installazioni uniche e di aprire i display per utilizzarli in applicazioni più creative.

Controllo flessibile

Il controller video Planar® WallDirector™ offre un'elaborazione predefinita robusta, mentre la compatibilità con Brompton e Colorlight permette ai clienti di scegliere la soluzione ideale per le loro specifiche esigenze di applicazione.

Protezione a vita

La Planar DirectLight Pro Series è coperta dalla garanzia limitata a vita EverCare™, che copre l'intero display, dai sub-pixel al controller video, per tutto il tempo in cui viene utilizzato in una posizione fissa.

Produzione in Europa

Grazie al nostro impianto di produzione all'avanguardia nel cuore dell'Europa, Leyard Europe può garantire prezzi stabili, tempi di consegna brevi di poche settimane e standard di alta qualità.

Soluzioni Complete™

Ledwall standard o personalizzati

La Planar DirectLight Pro Series è disponibile in comode dimensioni e risoluzioni per ridurre i tempi, la complessità e i costi di progettazione e installazione di un ledwall personalizzato. Abbiamo racchiuso tutto ciò di cui un'organizzazione ha bisogno in un'unica soluzione completa. Basta selezionare le dimensioni e la risoluzione del video wall più adatte all'ambiente e all'applicazione, e si ottiene il pacchetto completo, compreso il potente controller video Planar WallDirector.

È incluso:

  • LED Display Cabinets
  • Wall Mounts
  • Moduli di riserva
  • Video Controller
  • Trim
  • Remote Control
  • Cavi

Dimensioni disponibili:

109" | 137" | 164" | 198" | 219"

Componenti Aggiuntivi & Accessori

Planar WallDirector Cloud

Monitorate e gestite a distanza la vostra flotta di display con Planar® WallDirector™ Cloud, un pannello di controllo sicuro basato sul web che vi permette di effettuare diagnosi, impartire comandi, risolvere problemi, monitorare lo stato e gestire i ticket di assistenza.

Modalità standby a basso consumo

Quando non è in uso, l'interruttore Planar® Smart Power Switch mette il video wall in modalità a basso consumo da 1 watt. L'interruttore di alimentazione sottile, collegato alla LAN, si inserisce dietro il video wall montato a parete conforme alle norme ADA e si collega alla stessa rete.

Aggiungi Durata

Il rivestimento protettivo proprietario Planar® ERO-LED™ (Extended Ruggedness and Optics™) è progettato per garantire la durata in ambienti interattivi e ad alto traffico. Aggiunge una finitura opaca che mantiene le prestazioni visive del video wall.

Interattività tattile

Ottimizza i video wall per l'interattività con un sistema touch personalizzato a 32 punti e Planar ERO-LED. I display touch sono spesso limitati alle dimensioni 16:9, ma la soluzione touch personalizzata offre la possibilità di scegliere dimensioni e forme più ampie.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Risoluzione cabinet (LxA) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Densità pixel (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Luminosità, max. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Temperatura colore (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Angolo di visione, orizzontale (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Angolo di visione, verticale (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Dimensioni cabinet (LxHxP) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composizione modulo (LxA) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Risoluzione modulo (LxA) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Dimensioni modulo (mm) (LxAxP) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Durata di vita (ore) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Certificazione ADA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consumo di energia, max. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consumo di energia, tip. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Temperatura operativa (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Umidità operativa (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Temperatura di stoccaggio (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Umidità di stoccaggio (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Tipo LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contrast Ratio 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Uniformità luminosità ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accesso manutenzione Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Garanzia EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Planar DirectLight Pro Series


  • Pixel Pitch da 0,9, 1,2, 1,5 e 1,8 mm
  • Con tecnologia MicroLED
  • Modelli ad alta luminosità con 1600 nit e consumo energetico standard
  • Modelli a basso consumo con luminosità standard di 500 nit
  • Compatibile con vari controller
  • Garanzia a vita EverCare
  • Prodotto in Europa


Soluzione MicroLED premium per interni, luminosa, ad alta efficienza, con elevata larghezza di banda e ampia gamma di controller

I video wall Planar® DirectLight® Pro Series con pixel pitch fine offrono immagini di alta qualità per un'ampia gamma di applicazioni e installazioni fisse indoor. Con pixel pitch da 0,9 a 1,8 millimetri, la Planar DirectLight Pro Series, prodotta in Europa, offre tutti i vantaggi della tecnologia MicroLED, oltre a facilità di manutenzione frontale e elevata larghezza di banda, riducendo la complessità di implementazione e massimizzando l'efficienza.


DLPro 0.9 DLPro 0.9B DLPro 1.2 DLPro 1.2B DLPro 1.5 DLPro 1.5B DLPro 1.8 DLPro 1.8B DLPro 0.9M20 DLPro 1.2M20 DLPro 1.5M20 DLPro 1.8M20 DLPro 0.9M05 DLPro 1.2M05 DLPro 1.5M05 DLPro 1.8M05
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.945mm 0.945mm 1.26mm 1.26mm 1.575mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26mm x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm 0.945mm 1.26 x 1.25mm 1.575mm 1.89mm
Risoluzione cabinet (LxA) 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 640 x 360 27": 480 x 270 | 36": 480 x 540 480 x 270 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 384 x 216 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 320 x 180 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360 27": 640 x 360 | 36": 640 x 720 27": 480 x 272 | 36": 480 x 544 27": 384 x 216 | 36": 384 x 432 27": 320 x 180 | 36": 320 x 360
Densità pixel (pixel/m²) 1119789 per m² 1119789 per m² 629882 per m² 629882 per m² 403124 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m² 1119789 per m² 634547 per m² 403124 per m² 279947 per m²
Luminosità, max. (cd/m²) 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1000 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 1600 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits 500 nits
Refresh Rate (Hz) >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz >3840 Hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz 3840hz
Temperatura colore (K) 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable 3000-10000 adjustable
Angolo di visione, orizzontale (°) >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Angolo di visione, verticale (°) >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >140° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170° >170°
Dimensioni cabinet (LxHxP) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in) 27": 604.8 x 340.2 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 13.39 x 2.57in) | 36": 604.8 x 680.4 x 65.3mm (23.81 x 26.78 x 2.57in)
Cabinet Area (m²) 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 0.2058 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116 27": 0.2058 | 36": 0.4116
Composizione modulo (LxA) 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 2x2 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4 27": 2x2 | 36": 2x4
Risoluzione modulo (LxA) 320 x 180 320 x 180 240 x 135 240 x 135 192 x 108 192 x 108 160 x 90 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90 320 x 180 240 x 136 192 x 108 160 x 90
Dimensioni modulo (mm) (LxAxP) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in) 302.4 x 170.1mm (11.91 x 6.7in)
Cabinet Weight (kg) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 6.94kg (15.3lbs) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb) 27": 6.94kg (15.3lb) | 36": 13.2kg (29.1lb)
Durata di vita (ore) 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours 100000 hours
TAA Compliant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Certificazione ADA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Consumo di energia, max. (W/m²) 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 656 W 330 W 330 W 330 W 330 W
Consumo di energia, tip. (W/m²) 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W 135 W tbd tbd tbd tbd
Temperatura operativa (°C) -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F -20° to 40° C | -4° to 104° F
Umidità operativa (RH) 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing 10-80% RH, non-condensing
Temperatura di stoccaggio (°C) -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F -40° to 60° C | -40° to 140° F
Umidità di stoccaggio (RH) 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing 10-85% RH, non-condensing
Tipo LED Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD Commercial grade 3-in-1 Black SMD MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip MicroLED FlipChip
Contrast Ratio 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1 10000:1
Uniformità luminosità ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Uniformity ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97% ≥97%
Color Gamut >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3 >93% DCI-P3
Cabinet Diagonal 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 693.9mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm 27": 693.9mm | 36": 910.3mm
LEDs per Module 57600 57600 32400 32400 20736 20736 14400 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400 57600 32400 20736 14400
HDR (High Dynamic Range) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accesso manutenzione Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front, Planar tool supplied, Module Locking feature Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible Front Access, module removal. All internal electronics accessible
Installation Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve Standard Flat Wall | Forward Tilt: up to 10° | 90° exterior corners | Concave faceted curve
Video Controller Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Brompton S8 & SX40 Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers Planar® WallDirector and ColorLight Controllers
Acoustic Noise <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation <30dBA, Fanless operation
Line Voltage 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz
Approvals NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015 NRTL UL 60950-1 TUV Rheinland, FCC Class A, CE EN60950-1, EN 55032 Class A and EN55024, WEEE, CISPR 32/2015
Garanzia EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty EverCare Limited Lifetime Warranty
HDMI® Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. Planar utilizes HDMI® standards in this product. The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. - - - - - - - -
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Phone: +421-907-995-941
Leyard, Planar e eyevis sono marchi commerciali di Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Planar Systems, Inc e eyevis GmbH. Tutti gli altri marchi commerciali e di servizio sono di proprietà dei loro titolari. Copyright © 2025 Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Planar Systems, Inc e eyevis GmbH. Tutti i diritti riservati. Questo documento non può essere copiato in nessuna forma senza il permesso di Leyard, Planar o eyevis. Le informazioni contenute in questo documento sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso.